Tuesday, November 6, 2018


November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo.  However you feel about the contest, a lot of writing gets done during the month of November.  Common and Wildfire were both written as NaNo novels, but heavily edited and published long after their respective Novembers. Amazon is flooded with NaNo novels between mid-November and late December.  Some novels are fantastic and others less so.

As you may have guessed, my grand plan to have Rarity published by now has not been successful.  I wanted it done by September 30 and published by Halloween to avoid the NaNo flood on Amazon.  Well.... It's going to be part of the flood, I hope.  The battle scene is still plaguing me, but I may have made some headway on it tonight.  I hope. I hope. NaNo is good for setting and keeping to goals.  While I'm not an official contestant this go-around, I'm trying to be consistent again.

Thank you for your patience, as always.